I've always read blogs by other people, in fact I have a bookmark on my computer with over ten different ones I like to follow, but I've never actually had one of my own. I guess it's just another insecurity. I've never really felt like I had much to say that could impact, much less benefit others. But I've always been a writer. I love to write just as much as I love to read, which is quite a lot. I have journals with pages upon pages filled with my writing. They've progressed from silly middle school gossip and the cute boy in class to relationships with friends and currently to my future and what I would like to do with it. It's a new year though and I want to start it with sharing my thoughts, because I've got plenty of them. I'm not sure who would pause their day to read them but I'm finally open to the thought that someone would. Who knows..it's a new beginning.
I want to say also that I'm almost positive that on any blog I've ever read, the first post is some rant about how "nobody will probably read this thing anyhow and I'm not sure why I'm even writing this..." but I have no intention of being cliche here.
My New Years Eve was not exactly celebrated the way I thought it would be. At 9:30 pm I hopped in the car with two friends of mine and we started on our way to Jonesboro to spend the night at Montego Bay. I was so excited to see the people there and spend a little time with them bringing in the year. But we got to Searcy and Kt's mom called, forcing her to come back home. We turned the car around and made the 45 minute drive back to Little Rock. Midnight came on the highway in a car with a stressed out friend and a driver going too fast. Nonetheless we all mustered up a smile and wished each other a Happy New Years. After getting Kt home to her parents, Flu and I continued driving around the city with music in the background and talked about nothing. We caught some fireworks, or a firework I should say (the cops took care of that), and wasted time until it was time for bed.
If New Years Eve really sets the tone for what the rest of the year will be like..to be honest I would just want to set this one out. But my last NY resolution was to make the best out of every day of the year I was given. I really do think I did that to the best of my ability. It wasn't my favorite year but it held some great things for me. I graduated high school, spent a summer life guarding with some awesome people, started my first semester of college, and found a lot of myself along the way. This year I have a lot of little goals for myself. They include repairing old friendships as well as growing in new ones, continuing to make the best out of situations, having a healthier lifestyle, and most importantly working on my relationship with Jesus.
It's going to be a good year.
A Love this, Way to go. I am so excited to continue reading! : ) See you soon sweet one.